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Rising Costs, Data Breaches, Staffing, Nonprofits Could Use a Break

If you are at fiscal year-end, you may be asking “Where did the year go, and will things ever get easier?” Nonprofits have all the pains and challenges of any business but with tighter budgets and limited resources.

Many nonprofits have been hit with the following challenges:

  • Rising costs
  • Attracting and retaining staff
  • Protecting from data breaches and cyber threats
  • Keeping up with technology while on a tight budget

Whether it is your year-end or not, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Progressive nonprofits have realized that when it comes to leveraging technology it is often best to let the experts do it so you can focus on delivering the services of your mission.

Technology is a double-edged sword. When properly implemented, it can help you to accomplish more, whereas if not well-managed technology can be costly, less efficient, and open you to major risks. The world of technology has become more complex requiring deep knowledge in multiple areas from cyber security, networking, cloud applications, phone/voice/video communications, and data protection. It becomes exceptionally difficult for just one or two people to manage an IT environment, as well as recruit and retain talented staff.

Sagin was one of the first to crack the success code in Nonprofit IT Managed Services. The difference is in our service model and approach. Our resources are dedicated to your organization, and each has deep skills in various specialties which gives you access to a comprehensive team. Over 50% of our client base is nonprofits so we understand your environment and strive to work closely with you to facilitate and improve your IT service delivery.

Sagin has been providing IT managed services nationally for fifteen years, maintains resources domestically for safety and security, and can be on-site as needed. We also have a comprehensive security team that monitors and actively helps to prevent threats to your organization.

IT Managed services creates the following value:

  1. Helps control and potentially reduce your IT operating costs
  2. Brings leading tools, practices, and policies
  3. Provides your executive management team with complete visibility of your employee base which is especially helpful in a remote working environment
  4. You will never have to manage the hiring, retaining, and development of IT staff
  5. You will have leveraged purchasing power through the IT provider for hardware, software, services, and help taking advantage of nonprofit pricing
  6. On-boarding and off-boarding of employees, equipment, etc. is all managed by the IT provider

Many nonprofits have already outsourced to Sagin because IT can be managed better, more reliably, and at an equal or lower fixed cost. Nonprofits who have effectively outsourced IT support have experienced a 15-28% reduction in IT operating costs.

Sagin, LLC is a management consulting and IT managed services firm which provides full service 24/7 support of small to mid-sized (10 – 1,000 employee) nonprofits including help desk, infrastructure, server/cloud management, data security risk mitigation, due diligence and strategic planning support. To request an IT assessment to see if our model makes economic sense for you, contact us at or 312-281-0290.


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